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Re: st: Re: R: Minimal Detectable Difference
Michael McCulloch <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Re: R: Minimal Detectable Difference
Tue, 5 Jun 2012 08:16:44 -0700
See the user-written SAMPLESIZE:
"samplesize does everything that sampsi does but in addition allows multiple values for every numeric parameter e.g. the number of follow-up measurements. The resulting values for either power or sample size are plotted in a twoway graph."
Michael McCulloch, LAc MPH PhD
Pine Street Foundation
124 Pine St,
San Anselmo, CA 94960-2674
tel: 415-407-1357
fax: 206-338-2391
email: [email protected]
On Jun 5, 2012, at 6:33 AM, William Buchanan wrote:
> Hi Lars,
> It may not be Stata, but you could also take a look at G*Power. It's free and can be used to calculate various aspects of statistical power (e.g., required sample size to detect a given effect size, minimum detectable effect size, etc...). It doesn't calculate these sizes for SEM or MLM, but for most other models you can get quick and easy answers.
> - Billy
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 5, 2012, at 5:41, Lars Folkestad <[email protected]> wrote:
>> That is what i ended up doing. But i hoped there was a nicer/smerter/more
>> standardized way to do it.
>> lars
>> Den 05/06/12 14.06 skrev "[email protected]"
>> <[email protected]>:
>>> Lars can probably simulate some scenarios with -sampsi-. I find this
>>> approach particularly useful when the limited number of participants
>>> available is due to budget constraints (as it is often the case, sadly).
>>> Kindest Regards,
>>> Carlo
>>> -----Messaggio originale-----
>>> Da: [email protected]
>>> [mailto:[email protected]] Per conto di Lars Folkestad
>>> Inviato: martedì 5 giugno 2012 13:39
>>> A: [email protected]
>>> Oggetto: st: Minimal Detectable Difference
>>> Dear List
>>> This might be a bit more of a stats question than a stata question.
>>> I am about to do a cross sectional study comparing two groups regarding a
>>> measured continous variable.
>>> I know the the variance of the measurement. No one has ever investigated
>>> these groups before using this or similar machines. For practical reasons
>>> i
>>> only have a limited number of participants available for this project. I
>>> am
>>> now wondering what the minimal detectable difference between the two
>>> groups
>>> are with the number of participants i have available.
>>> I will use a t-test (paired, seeing the two groups are matched)
>>> How do i calculate this using stata?
>>> lars
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