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Re: st: MM/DD/YYYY string to stata date
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: MM/DD/YYYY string to stata date
Tue, 5 Jun 2012 08:44:39 +0100
Here is another way to do it. Consider a date like "1/1/2010" and
assume that there is no problem of ambiguity, e.g. you know your dates
to be DMY.
First, you have a problem if the second character is "/", which you can fix:
replace datevar = "0" + datevar if substr(datevar, 2, 1) == "/"
So "1/1/2010" is now "01/1/2010".
Second, you still have a problem if the fifth character is "/", which
you can fix:
replace datevar = substr(datevar,1,3) + "0" + substr(datevar, 4, .) if
substr(datevar, 5, 1) == "/"
replace datevar = subinstr(datevar, "/", "/0", 1) if substr(datevar,
5, 1) == "/"
On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 7:13 AM, daniel klein
<[email protected]> wrote:
> here is one way to go.
> // split the string variable into parts
> split <mystrvar> ,g(part) p("/")
> // add leading zero
> forv j = 1/2 {
> replace part`j' = "0" + part`j' if length(part`j') < 2
> }
> // now put it back together
> g tmp = part1 + part2 + part3
> // transfer to date
> g mydate = date(tmp, "MDY")
> form mydate %td
> // clean up
> drop part? tmp
> Thank you both.
> Nick: i dont want to make it hard for Stata. How do i go from string
> mm/dd/yyyy to date?
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