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st: st: Handling age in Hazard Ratios
"Clifton Chow" <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: st: Handling age in Hazard Ratios
Mon, 04 Jun 2012 12:46:00 -0500
I ran a proportional hazards model on the duration of employment and had as my covariates, age and age^2, respectively. The coefficients and hazard ratios for both variables are below:
Coefficient: Age = -.0727
Age^2 = .0007
Hazard Ratio: Age = .9299
Age^2 = 1.0007
I am trying to interpret the diminishing effect of the quadratic term by calculating the age at which the risk changes from a decrease to ian ncrease risk of job loss. I did this by dividing the age coefficient by 2 * age^2 coefficient. However, when performing this calculation on the raw coefficient, the age of change is 52 (.0727/2*.0007) but in the hazard ratios, that age is 46 (.9299/2*1.0007). Does anyone know which convention to report? I think the difference of 5 years between the two sets of coefficients are important, right?
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