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RE: st: Extracting substrings from variable and combining variables.

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Extracting substrings from variable and combining variables.
Date   Fri, 1 Jun 2012 12:52:04 +0100

-egen, concat()- concatenates strings (although it is happy to convert numbers to strings on the fly). Concatenation is jargon for chaining together, or addition of strings lengthwise. Thus if you have two string variables with values "foo" and "bar", their concatenation is "foobar". Nothing changes if the string values happen to be identical, so the concatenation of "637" and "637" is "637637".  (You can insert spaces or other punctuation, but leave that aside.) 

You can't override that; it is what -egen, concat()- is designed to do. -concat()- is not designed to select distinct strings once only, although that's programmable. 

Also, you pose another riddle. When you say "correct for this", exactly what do you want instead? Note that some subjects have both "637" and "642", and so that's part of the information. 

In your case you should be able to fix -prehgt- to your taste with a few -replace- commands and that's going to be easier than writing other code, or so I guess. 

But in case it is helpful, here is code for three indicator variables (not tested). 

foreach s in 637 642 O1 { 
	gen has`s' = 0 

	qui forval j = 1/10 { 
		replace has`s' = 1 if prehgt`j' == "`s'" & has`s' == 0 

[email protected] 

Amal Khanolkar

Thanks - this makes sense. Is there any way to correct for this in the egen command before combining the variables?

egen preght=concat(preght1 preght2 preght3 preght4 preght5 preght6 preght7 preght8 preght9 preght10 preght11 preght12)

I'm also curious to know how Stata gets categories with multiple '637's'?? Eventhough the total number of subjects is now 90930 as expected, in effect each patient should be diagnosed with a 637 only other words what does '637637' & '637637637637' mean?


Amal Khanolkar, PhD candidate,
Centre for Health Equity Studies (CHESS),
Karolinska Institutet,
106 91 Stockholm.

Ph# +46(0)8 162584/+46(0)73 0899409
From: [email protected] [[email protected]] on behalf of Nick Cox [[email protected]]
Sent: 01 June 2012 10:26
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: Extracting substrings from variable and combining variables.

That sounds predictable to me. "637" and "637" counts as 2 one way and
-- in its guise as "637637" -- as 1 the other way. It's important to
correct for counting the same thing twice or more.

Consider this:

input str12 diag freq w
         "637"      20922     1
      "637637"         960     2
   "637637637"         104     3
 "637637637637"           3    4
      "637642"           2     2
         "642"      42108     1
      "642637"           1     2
      "642642"         748     2
   "642642642"           7     3
          "O1"      22634     1
        "O1O1"         720     2
      "O1O1O1"          17     3
    "O1O1O1O1"           2     4

. tab diag [w=freq*w]
(frequency weights assumed)

        diag |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
         637 |     20,922       23.01       23.01
      637637 |      1,920        2.11       25.12
   637637637 |        312        0.34       25.46
637637637637 |         12        0.01       25.48
      637642 |          4        0.00       25.48
         642 |     42,108       46.31       71.79
      642637 |          2        0.00       71.79
      642642 |      1,496        1.65       73.44
   642642642 |         21        0.02       73.46
          O1 |     22,634       24.89       98.35
        O1O1 |      1,440        1.58       99.94
      O1O1O1 |         51        0.06       99.99
    O1O1O1O1 |          8        0.01      100.00
       Total |     90,930      100.00

On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 9:11 AM, Amal Khanolkar <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi again,
> I tried to combine 12 such variables (examples of three below) to form one variable with the same 3 categories.
> tab preght1
>    preght1 |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
> ------------+-----------------------------------
>        637 |      8,314       20.76       20.76
>        642 |     21,268       53.11       73.88
>         O1 |     10,461       26.12      100.00
> ------------+-----------------------------------
>      Total |     40,043      100.00
> .                         tab preght2
>    preght2 |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
> ------------+-----------------------------------
>        637 |     11,202       33.51       33.51
>        642 |     15,191       45.44       78.95
>         O1 |      7,036       21.05      100.00
> ------------+-----------------------------------
>      Total |     33,429      100.00
> .                         tab preght4
>    preght4 |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
> ------------+-----------------------------------
>        637 |        797       18.02       18.02
>        642 |      1,747       39.51       57.53
>         O1 |      1,878       42.47      100.00
> ------------+-----------------------------------
>      Total |      4,422      100.00
> When I add-up the 12 preght variables, I get a total of 90930 observations that should have my diagnosis of interest. However when using the egn as below I get only 88228!
> This what I get when I run 'egen with the concat' function:
> egen preght=concat(preght1 preght2 preght3 preght4 preght5 preght6 preght7 preght8 preght9 preght10 preght11 preght12)
> (2903228 missing values generated)
>      preght |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
> -------------+-----------------------------------
>         637 |     20,922       23.71       23.71
>      637637 |        960        1.09       24.80
>   637637637 |        104        0.12       24.92
> 637637637637 |          3        0.00       24.92
>      637642 |          2        0.00       24.93
>         642 |     42,108       47.73       72.65
>      642637 |          1        0.00       72.65
>      642642 |        748        0.85       73.50
>   642642642 |          7        0.01       73.51
>          O1 |     22,634       25.65       99.16
>        O1O1 |        720        0.82       99.98
>      O1O1O1 |         17        0.02      100.00
>    O1O1O1O1 |          2        0.00      100.00
> -------------+-----------------------------------
>       Total |     88,228      100.00

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