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Re: st: tau-c on Stata
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: tau-c on Stata
Wed, 30 May 2012 08:53:57 +0100
Some refinements:
program define tauc, rclass
syntax varlist(numeric min=2 max=2) [if] [in]
quietly {
marksample touse
count if `touse'
if r(N) == 0 error 2000
if r(N) < 3 error 2001
local N = r(N)
tokenize "`varlist'"
if "`1'" == "`2'" {
di as err "two different variables required"
exit 102
tab `1' if `touse'
local m1 = r(r)
tab `2' if `touse'
local m2 = r(r)
local m = min(`m1', `m2')
ktau `1' `2' if `touse'
tempname tauc
scalar `tauc' = r(score) * (2 * `m'/(`N'^2 * (`m' - 1)))
di _n as txt " tau_c = " as res %8.4f `tauc'
return scalar tau_c = `tauc'
Main changes:
1. Steve's program allows -if- and -in-, but ignores them.
2. If the varlist is a wildcard, arguments `1' and `2' will not be as desired.
3. Some checking for inadequate sample size. Should probably go further.
On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 4:01 AM, Steve Samuels <[email protected]> wrote:
> The post you referred to was from Roger Newson.
> Here's a bootstrapped version of Roger's code.
> **************CODE BEGINS*************
> capture program drop _all
> program define tauc, rclass
> syntax varlist(min=2 max=2) [if] [in]
> if `"`1'"'== `"`2'"' {
> di as error "Error: Two different variables required"
> exit 102
> }
> tempname v1 v2 m1 m2 m score N tauc
> gen `v1' = `1'
> gen `v2' = `2'
> sum `v1'
> tab `v1' if !missing(`v2')
> scal `m1'=r(r)
> tab `v2' if !missing(`v1')
> scal `m2'=r(r)
> scal `m'=min(`m1',`m2')
> qui ktau `v1' `v2'
> return list
> scalar `score'=r(score)
> scal `N'=r(N)
> local tauc= `score'*(2*`m'/(`N'^2*(`m'-1)))
> return scalar tau_c = `tauc'
> end
> sysuse auto, clear
> bootstrap tau_c = r(tau_c), reps(50): tauc trunk foreign
> estat bootstrap, all
> ***************CODE ENDS************
On May 29, 2012, at 8:53 PM, Thomas Didier wrote:
Is there a command or a plug-in for Stata to estimate Kendall tau-c? A
response to a 2008 question
provided a "manual" way to make the calculation; this works but takes
some time and doesn't provide a level of statistical significance
(ASE). Apparently tau-c is a routine estimation on SPSS and I hope I
can find an equivalent on Stata.
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