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st: Yearly interaction terms in Oprobit and multicollinearity
micdepo mic <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: Yearly interaction terms in Oprobit and multicollinearity
Tue, 29 May 2012 22:26:38 +0300
I am trying to find the changing effects of a variable X on Y. Please
note that both X and Y are actually Rating variables. Thus, I am
running an ordered probit model on Y. I also control for other
variables that may effect Y independently of X.
I have dummies for each year, and I also interact these year dummies
with X in order to find how each year X effected Y. I am looking for
an increasing or decreasing pattern in how X effects Y. However, in
my postestimation analysis I find that VIF of X and the year dummies
and their interactions are as high as 30 to 40. I would very much
appreciate if you could let me know what your opinion on how I should
tackle issue. Maybe centering? I would also love to hear any opinions
on another potential model specification. Please remember I want to
learn the changing influence of X on Y.
I would appreciate any level of help or commentary. Thank you very
much in advance.
Best regards,
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