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Re: st: predetermined variables with xtabond2
Suryadipta Roy <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: predetermined variables with xtabond2
Sun, 27 May 2012 10:10:30 -0400
Did you read the following paper (The Stata Journal Volume 9 Number 1:
pp. 86-136) from the author of this code:
I believe that you wil get the answers to your queries in the paper.
Best wishes,
On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 4:49 AM, Søren Møller-Larsson
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear all
> in the Stata help file of xtabond2 it reads the following:
> "
> y_it = x_it * b_1 + w_it * b_2 + u_it ...
> x_it is a vector of strictly exogenous covariates (ones dependent on
> neither current nor past e_it);
> w_it is a vector of predetermined covariates (which may include the lag of
> y) and endogenous covariates, all of which may be correlated with
> the v_i (Predetermined variables are potentially correlated with
> past errors. Endogenous ones are potentially correlated with past
> and present errors.);
> "
> So to me it looks like predetermined variables are part of the gmmstyle() instruments.
> However further down the text it is explained how predetermined variables are treated in the ivstyle() instrument matrix:
> ..."equation() is useful for proper handling of predetermined variables
> used as IV-style instruments in system GMM. For example, if x is
> predetermined, it is a valid instrument for the levels equation since
> it is assumed to be uncorrelated with the contemporaneous error term.
> However, x becomes endogenous in first differences, so D.x is not a
> valid instrument for the transformed equation. ivstyle(x) would
> therefore be inappropriate. The use of x as an IV-style instrument in
> levels only could be specified by iv(x, eq(level))."
> So my question is, when do I use gmm(h, laglimits(1 .)) and when do I use iv(h, equation(level)) for predetermined h, and what is the difference?
> Kind regard
> Soren
> Aarhus university, Denmark
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