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st: minor queries about new official Stata commands -icc- & -estat icc-
Tom Palmer <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: minor queries about new official Stata commands -icc- & -estat icc-
Fri, 25 May 2012 11:19:13 +0100
I see StataCorp released two new commands for calculating the intraclass
correlation coefficient (ICC) and confidence intervals in the 23 May update. I
wonder if they could provide some more detail before the manual entries are
available. I think:
1.a. -icc- reports CIs using an F distribution like a user-written command
called -iccconf- (-ssc describe iccconf-).
b. by default -estat icc- reports CI limits back-transformed from a logit
transformation; presumably because this has similar properties to Fisher's z as
per Nick Cox's Stata Journal article (SJ 2008, 8-3, 413-439).
c. -estat icc- has an undocumented -normal- option which reports a
delta-method SE and CI limits as obtained from -nlcom-.
These differences in the CIs can be seen in this example modified from the
-icc- helpfile:
webuse judges, clear
icc rating target
xtmixed rating || target: , reml var
estat icc
estat icc, normal
2. -estat icc- works after -xtmixed- and -xtmelogit-, but not after
-xtmepoisson-. Is there a specific reason for this?
Thanks for two useful commands and any comments.
cheers, Tom
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