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Re: st: Interpretation of Interaction terms in log-lin
"Airey, David C" <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: Interpretation of Interaction terms in log-lin
Tue, 22 May 2012 10:45:15 -0500
Assuming the linear regression model was using -regress- rather than glm with link(log), if both predictor and outcome are transformed using natural logs, then
100(exp(beta_hat*ln(1.01)) - 1)
can be interpreted as the percentage increase in the average value of the outcome per 1% increase in the predictor. If log is log10, then use
100(10^(beta_hat*log10(1.01)) - 1)
I'd guess you would need to use the vce(cluster id) option if you don't have independent observations.
> However, I have two concerns. First, some of my control variables are in logs as well - could I sill apply -glm- ? Second, I chose to use -xtreg- with -fe- and -re- options to control for unobserved effects. My panel has justv two time periods. How canI apply -glm- in this case, i.e. controlling for unobserved effects that are either fixed or random?
> Regards
> #
> Lukas Borkowski
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