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Re: st: Looping and saving regression outputs
Ada Ma <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Looping and saving regression outputs
Fri, 18 May 2012 12:28:49 +0100
I don't know if this is any use to the OP. But here is a double loop
I wrote to do detailed sum stats - I had to loop through both years
and indicators (40+ of them?) - there must be saner way of doing this
but I'm old fashioned...
* First you need an empty matrix - count the number of elements you
are going to capture
* this is the big matrix that you're going to -svmat- and -outsheet-
matrix mpatientratios = (.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.)
foreach year in 200506 200607 200708 200809 200910 {
* Note that I stick this local in to label the big matrix in case I got confused
local i=1
foreach ind in $indlist {
di "Indicators is `ind', `year'"
sum mpatientearnings if year==`year' & ind=="`ind'" [fw=denom], det
* these locals capture the various bits that I am going to stick into
one line of matrix
* there must be smarter ways... I tried stick the r's directly into
matrix and it didn't work
local h1=r(N)
local h2=r(mean)
local h3=r(sd)
local h4=r(min)
local h5=r(max)
local h6=r(max)/r(min)
local h7=r(p99)/r(p1)
local h8=r(p95)/r(p5)
local h9=r(p90)/r(p10)
local h10=r(p75)/r(p25)
* this line append the new results to the big matrix
matrix mpatientratios = mpatientratios \ (`i',`year',`h1' ,`h2'
,`h3' ,`h4' ,`h5',`h6' ,`h7' ,`h8' ,`h9' ,`h10')
local i = `i'+1
Hope this helps.
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