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Re: st: looping twice over same variables without repeating results
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: looping twice over same variables without repeating results
Fri, 18 May 2012 11:46:58 +0100
OK, but that bites the other way. You can easy get half but how are
you going to avoid choices of response (outcome, regressand,
criterion, dependent variable) that are arbitrary; there is an
asymmetry to -regress y x- and -regress x y-.
Any way, as a matter of Stata technique, this appears to be what you
are asking for:
sysuse auto, clear
unab varlist : price-foreign
local nv : word count `varlist'
local nvm1 = `nv' - 1
tokenize "`varlist'"
forval i = 1/`nvm1' {
local J = `i' + 1
forval j = `J'/`nv' {
di "``i'' ``j''"
regress ``i'' ``j''
On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 11:31 AM, Beatriz Rodriguez Prado
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Thank you Nick.
> The other question you raise is my problem. Sorry it was not clear.
> I do not want to regress y on x and x on y. I just want one of two
> regressions.
> Beatriz
> El 18/05/2012 12:03, Nick Cox escribió:
>> Your question raises another which is whether you want the regression
>> of y on x _and_ the regression of x on y.
>> foreach x of local varlist {
>> foreach y of local varlist {
>> if "`x'" != "`y'" regress `y' `x'
>> }
>> }
>> is a safer and better way to avoid -regress-ing a variable on itself
>> but it will produce all the other p (p - 1) regressions for p
>> variables.
>> Nick
>> On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 10:52 AM, Beatriz Rodriguez Prado
>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> I have 3 variables named pmm_and pmm_ext pmm_es and I want to make simple
>>> regressions of each pair of variables.
>>> I have writen this code
>>> foreach x in and ext es {
>>> foreach y in and ext es{
>>> if pmm_`x'!=pmm_`y' {
>>> regres pmm_`x' pmm_`y'
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> How could avoid to run repeated regressions?
>>> In fact I have 50 variables and have to run regressions, test some
>>> hyphotesis and make graphs and the output of the loop is unnecesary big.
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