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Re: st: Using local(levels) to populate a new variable following parmest
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Using local(levels) to populate a new variable following parmest
Mon, 14 May 2012 15:29:11 +0100
gen level = "`l'"
By the way, the code
gen flag=""
destring flag, replace
replace flag = 1 if p<0.05
replace flag = 0 if p>=0.05
seems to boil down to one line
gen flag = p < 0.05
There is no point in creating an empty string variable and then
pushing it through -destring-.
On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 3:21 PM, Tim Evans <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using Stata 11 and carrying out a series of Cox regressions for which I save the results into a .dta file using -parmest-. I run the regressions on each level contained within a variable (ICD10) using local levels. What I am trying to do is generate a new variable following parmest, which is equal to the local level for which the regression has just been calculated i.e. before I save the file at the end and run through the next level of ICD10, I want to generate a column that holds the value for the first level of ICD10 and so on in subsequent regressions.
> Here is my code:
> levelsof ICD10, local(levels)
> foreach l of local levels {
> di as text "_______________________________"
> di as text "`l'"
> cap noi: xi: stcox delay2v2 `covariates' if ICD10 =="`l'", nolog
> preserve
> foreach v in delay2v2 { // continuous variables
> local l`v' : variable label `v'
> if `"`l`v''"' == "" { // if no variable label
> local l`v' "`v'"
> }
> }
> parmest, norestore eform
> foreach v in delay2v2 {
> replace parm = "`l`v''" if parm == "`v'"
> }
> replace parm = "baseline odds" if parm == "_cons"
> **Remeove baseline odds
> drop if parm =="baseline odds"
> gen label2=""
> destring label2, replace> gen flag=""
> destring flag, replace
> replace flag = 1 if p<0.05
> replace flag = 0 if p>=0.05
> **delay group
> replace label2 = 101 if parm == "delay2v2"
> label values label2 label2
> label define flag 0 "Not significant" 1 "Significant"
> label values flag flag
> ********************
> *********************
> **********************
> save "T:\mydocuments\cancer_`l'.dta", replace
> restore
> }
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