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Re: st: Generating dummy variable with information of household survey from different observations
Robert Picard <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Generating dummy variable with information of household survey from different observations
Mon, 7 May 2012 10:59:17 -0400
Here's another way to do this using -merge-
*----------- begin example -------------
inp household_id individual_id father_row
1011 1 .
1011 2 .
1011 3 1
1011 4 1
1012 1 2
1012 2 .
1013 1 .
1013 2 .
1013 3 2
1013 4 1
1013 5 1
tempfile f
save "`f'"
drop if mi(father_row)
keep household_id father_row
rename father_row individual_id
sort household_id individual_id
by household_id individual_id: keep if _n == 1
merge 1:1 household_id individual_id using "`f'"
gen father = _merge == 3
sort household_id individual_id
list, noobs sepby(household_id)
*------------ end example --------------
On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 10:11 AM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> I'll focus on one point which intersects with my own suggestions.
> It's usually very worthwhile getting an individual identifier that
> just goes 1 up within families or households. It need not supplant or
> replace whatever was recorded. The first FAQ mentioned earlier in my
> postings to this thread explains how to do that.
> Nick
> On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 2:35 PM, Eric Booth <[email protected]> wrote:
>> On May 7, 2012, at 1:13 AM, Sumiko Hayasaka wrote:
>>> Everything works out until I get to the "foreach" command. It says the
>>> expression is too long [r(130)]. What should I do?
>>> Thank you again!
>> The r(130) error comes from the -inlist()- part of the -generate- command I showed because, at some point, it has too many elements.
>> This means you have a lot of father_row* variables after the initial -reshape-, probably because you don't have individual_id's like {1,2,3…} like you show, but individual id's like {99998,99917,…} that are unique to all (or most) individual_id's. One way to get around this would be to generate individual_id's within the household using the -egen- function 'group()' or :
>> bys household_id (individual_id): g i = _n
>> and then using "i" in place of individual_id in my example (but, you'd need to remember to carry 'individual_id' through the -reshape-).
>> That will get around the too many values issue assuming you don't have many hundreds of people in a household (inlist()'s limit appears to be 250 - though its not in -help limits- so I don't know if that limit is the same across all versions/flavors of Stata --I've got MP, and 250 is the limit I've encountered).
>> Of course, NJC's examples with looping over individuals is resilient against this type of issue with my code, but I wanted to follow up to explain where/why my example failed.
>> - Eric
>> __
>> Eric A. Booth
>> Public Policy Research Institute
>> Texas A&M University
>> [email protected]
>> Office: +979.845.6754
>> On May 7, 2012, at 1:13 AM, Sumiko Hayasaka wrote:
>>> Thanks Eric!
>>> Everything works out until I get to the "foreach" command. It says the
>>> expression is too long [r(130)]. What should I do?
>>> Thank you again!
>>> On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 11:44 PM, Eric Booth <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> <>
>>>> ***************!
>>>> clear
>>>> inp household_id individual_id father_row
>>>> 1011 1 .
>>>> 1011 2 .
>>>> 1011 3 1
>>>> 1011 4 1
>>>> 1012 1 2
>>>> 1012 2 .
>>>> 1013 1 .
>>>> 1013 2 .
>>>> 1013 3 2
>>>> 1013 4 1
>>>> 1013 5 1
>>>> end
>>>> levelsof individual_id, loc(a)
>>>> reshape wide father_row, i(household_id) j(individual_id)
>>>> ds father_row*
>>>> loc checklist `r(varlist)'
>>>> loc checklist:subinstr loc checklist " " ", " , all
>>>> foreach n in `a' {
>>>> g father`n' = cond(inlist(`n', `checklist'), 1, 0, .)
>>>> }
>>>> reshape long father_row father, i(household_id) j(individual_id)
>>>> ***************!
>>>> - Eric
>>>> __
>>>> Eric A. Booth
>>>> Public Policy Research Institute
>>>> Texas A&M University
>>>> [email protected]
>>>> +979.845.6754
>>>> On May 6, 2012, at 10:34 PM, Sumiko Hayasaka wrote:
>>>>> I am trying to generate a dummy variable, with information from a
>>>>> household survey, which can tell if a member of the household is a
>>>>> father or not. I have a household id, an individual id (per
>>>>> household), and a variable that tells me which individual id is marked
>>>>> as being a father (members of the family are asked if their father
>>>>> lives in the household and to give their father's individual id).
>>>>> Therefore, I need to assign a 1 at the row in which someone at the
>>>>> household said that was a father. To illustrate this, the data is
>>>>> something like this (I am trying to get the "father" variable):
>>>>> household_id individual_id father_row father
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> 1011 1 . 1
>>>>> 1011 2 . 0
>>>>> 1011 3 1 0
>>>>> 1011 4 1 0
>>>>> 1012 1 2 0
>>>>> 1012 2 . 1
>>>>> 1013 1 . 1
>>>>> 1013 2 . 1
>>>>> 1013 3 2 0
>>>>> 1013 4 1 0
>>>>> 1013 5 1 0
>>>>> So, for example, members number 3 and 4 of household number 1011
>>>>> stated that their father is individual number 1 in that household.
>>>>> This means that I have to put the 1 of "father" (meaning the household
>>>>> member is a father) at the row where father_row indicates (no matter
>>>>> how many times this is done).
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