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RE: st: Best test to detect trends in panel data
Gordon Hughes <[email protected]>
[email protected]
RE: st: Best test to detect trends in panel data
Fri, 27 Apr 2012 10:55:44 +0100
As you have noted, the different approaches test different
hypotheses. However, panel unit root tests are never likely to be
informative when you have such a small number of observations for
each panel unit. People differ on the minimum number of time periods
required when unit root tests are used to identify trends but a
maximum of 10 - and an average of 7.4 - is certainly too small.
Unfortunately, the same is probably true for -xtreg-. In this case,
you are testing whether there is the *same* time trend for each panel
unit, so that even if every individual panel had a time trend you
might still find that the coefficient on period in your model was not
significantly different because of variation across panel units.
There is a further problem - the missing values in your data - since
some more sophisticated specifications required balanced panel
data. You could try estimating the random coefficient model -xtrc-
which will give you a better sense of the mean value of the time
trends across panel units. Of course, the limited number of time
periods is likely to mean that the standard error of the mean time
trend will be large.
Gordon Hughes
[email protected]
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