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st: 1:1 match and identifying result
uniseminar uniseminar <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: 1:1 match and identifying result
Thu, 26 Apr 2012 23:17:50 +0200
Hi all,
My - beginners - problem concerns the 1:1 matching of a treated group
of companies to an untreated by three variables. Two of the
variables need to be exact matches and one should be in a range of 25%
difference. All numeric: founding year, target year, sales.
my data looks similar to this:
Company1 target-year1 sales1 founding-year ID1 ...
Company1 target-year2 sales2 founding-year ID2 ...
Company2 target-year1 sales1 founding-year IDx+3...
Company2 target-year2 sales2 founding-year IDx+4...
I tried to work on several matching procedures with merge, vmatch,
psmatch2 nnmatch etc. Neither was suitable for me...
vmatch was matching the three variables, but does not give me the
unique identifier of the matched company next to the treated company.
Further question: If I would receive the ID of the matched comp in the
line of the treated comp(thats the goal), how can I make sure to
compare these two? Something like: if ID of matched is found under
another variable in another line of treated comps then subtract sales
treated from sales matched...
Hopefully this is understandable...!?
Thank you in advance!
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