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Re: st: Running loops with graphs
Eric Booth <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Running loops with graphs
Thu, 26 Apr 2012 16:05:20 -0500
You make reference to "i" without defining where it fits into your code, but assuming you know where "i" goes, here a (untested) code example that should do what you are asking with some adapting on your part.
forvalues i = 1/51000 {
di `"`i'"' //where does `i' plug-in in the equations below??
nl (WOR = {b0=0.1}*(1 * exp({b1=0.05}* (ageyear))))
predict a
nl log3: WOR ageyear
predict b
nl gom3: WOR ageyear
predict c
twoway (scatter a y) (line a y, sort), legend(off) aspect(1) name(g1, replace)
twoway (scatter b y) (line b y, sort), legend(off) aspect(1) name(g2, replace)
twoway (scatter c y) (line c y, sort), legend(off) aspect(1) name(g3, replace)
gr combine g1 g2 g3, c(1) // change look of this combined graph with options
gr export "graph`i'.eps", as(eps) replace
^ See -help forvalues- and -help graph combine- for more help.
- Eric
Eric A. Booth
Public Policy Research Institute
Texas A&M University
[email protected]
On Apr 26, 2012, at 12:18 PM, Sebastian Galarza wrote:
> Hi,
> I am working on a large dataset and need to run different goodness of fit tests, graph these and save the graphs separately. I am not sure how to go about it.
> Basically, I want to run the following tests for up to 51000 values of i
> nl (WOR = {b0=0.1}*(1 * exp({b1=0.05}* (ageyear))))
> predict a
> nl log3: WOR ageyear
> predict b
> nl gom3: WOR ageyear
> predict c
> I would ideally save this output for each value of i.
> twoway (scatter a y) (line a y, sort), legend(off) aspect(1)
> twoway (scatter b y) (line b y, sort), legend(off) aspect(1)
> twoway (scatter c y) (line c y, sort), legend(off) aspect(1)
> I would ideally save these three graphs as one image for each value of i.
> Any help in doing this would be greatly appreciated.
> Best,
> Sebastian
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