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re: st: mediation analysis with multi-level logit models
"Ariel Linden, DrPH" <[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
re: st: mediation analysis with multi-level logit models
Thu, 26 Apr 2012 10:49:26 -0400
Hi Edward,
Take a look at the following UCLA website:
I also strongly suggest you read the recent paper by Zhang et al., which
highlights some of the problems when performing multilevel mediation
analysis. There are additional concerns when the either the mediator or
outcome variables are binary, and some commentators suggest rescaling (see
for example, Krull and MacKinnon). Others have argued that this rescaling
does not solve the problem and that the potential outcomes approach is more
appropriate (see Imai et al.). I have not seen any more recent literature on
the multilevel models with binary mediators/outcomes, or potential outcomes
approaches with multilevel data.
I hope this helps
Imai K, Keele L, Yamamoto T. Identification, inference, and sensitivity
analysis for causal mediation effects. Statistical Science 2010;25(1):51-71.
Krull JL, MacKinnon DP. Multilevel modeling of individual and group level
mediated effects. Multivariate Behavioral Research 2001;36(2):249-277.
Zhang Z, Zyphur MJ, Preacher KJ. Testing multilevel mediation using
hierarchical linear models: Problems and solutions. Organizational Research
Methods 2009;12:695-719.
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2012 10:25:04 +0200
From: Edward Lorenz <[email protected]>
Subject: st: mediation analysis with multi-level logit models
I am interested in carrying out a mediation analysis with a multi-level
model. I am using 'xtmelogit' on Stata 11.0 for Mac. My level-2 IV is
and the DV and level-1 mediators are binary. I am aware of the Stata program
'binary-mediation' for single level logit models. The bootstrap command is
to compute the standard errors for the direct and indirect effects. Is there
program for multi-level logit models?
Thanks for any help on this.
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