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Re: st: Spooky: Different Results with Repeated FE Estimation
Miyu Lee <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Spooky: Different Results with Repeated FE Estimation
Wed, 25 Apr 2012 19:09:44 +0200
Hi, thanks for your feedback so far:-)
I apologise for this general inquiry. The do file is just very long so
I did not think that replicating it might make sense. I was also
hoping that people would recognise this problem on a rather general
Since I work with panel data, I first use xtset and then use the l.
operation to work with lags.
Apart from that as I said, I only use summation, multiplication, log
transformations throughout the do file.
But Dave mentioned that the lagging might be problematic. I lag
variables which I newly construct in my do file and I also lag
variables which are given in my dataset. Do you think that might be a
Guo, I get different coefficients, standard errors and constants. I use the
xtreg , fe r command throughout all estimations and with the same
computer and program.
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