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st: scatter plot weighted plots

From   Malin Lundberg Rasmussen <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: scatter plot weighted plots
Date   Wed, 25 Apr 2012 14:04:38 +0200

I have a problem;
I am making a scatter plot of two variables, divided by two groups. 
I am using the following command: 

twoway (scatter dr1995 mat if blind==1 ,  m(Oh)) ///
(scatter dr1995 mat if blind==2,  m(Oh))

My problem is that I get the same size of circle for each point (and where both groups is represented I only get one color). I would like the dot to represent the number of patients (in both groups), so that if ten people represent circle number 1, this would be bigger than another circle representing only two patients. 
I tried the [fw=?], but don't know what to put instead of "?".

I hope anyone can help me. 

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