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st: New version of -pstest- within the -psmatch2- package

From   Christopher Baum <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: New version of -pstest- within the -psmatch2- package
Date   Mon, 23 Apr 2012 14:08:53 -0400

Posting on behalf of Barbara Sianesi, who is not a member of this list:

Dear -psmatch2- Users,

The latest version of the -psmatch2- package contains an updated and 
revamped -pstest-.

It now has three main types of uses (outlined below), can graph (dot 
chart or histogram) balancing measures, displays the output in a more 
compact and useful way (including the option of displaying only those 
variables which are significantly unbalanced, ie p<=0.10).

Please note however that the syntax of -pstest- has slightly changed (in 
a hopefully more intuitive and nimble way).

You can use -pstest- to assess comparability in terms of a set of 
covariates between:

1. two matched samples after psmatch2 (the default), as in:

     . psmatch2 treatedvar Xvarlist [, ...]
     . pstest

2. any two samples, eg the raw samples before performing matching or 
completely unrelated to matching purposes (in the latter case the -if- 
condition can be useful)

3. two samples before and after having performed matching. This was what 
the old pstest would do.

To get it type within Stata: ssc install psmatch2, replace  or  adoupdate psmatch2, update.
Please do check the helpfile for -pstest- for the full details.

Happy balancing checking!


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