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st: if in loop not working

From   Paula Smith <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: if in loop not working
Date   Mon, 23 Apr 2012 14:43:16 +0100


I'm having trouble with this bit of code and am wondering if anyone can help me. The 'if' within the loop if causing the program to stall and I'm getting an 'if not found' error.

gen t = 20 if agecat == 1
replace t = 5 if agecat >= 2 & agecat <= 11
replace t = 10 if agecat == 12
gen s = .
gen r = .
gen q = .
gen p = .

qui forvalues t = 1/12 {
    replace s = `s`t'' if agecat == `t'
    replace r = `r`t'' if agecat == `t'
    replace q = `q`t'' if agecat == `t'
    replace p = `p`t'' if agecat == `t'
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