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st:transition from unemployment

From   Мещеряков Антон <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st:transition from unemployment
Date   Sun, 22 Apr 2012 13:27:09 +0300

Thanks for your help Katya and Nick.

gen month=(p2-600)*(year==2006)+(p2-700)*(year==2007)
bysort id_res: egen emp1=min(month/(steoold==1)) if year==2007
bysort id_res: egen unemp2=min(month/(steoold==2)) if year==2007
bysort id_res: egen olf3=min(month/(steoold==3)) if year==2007
gen emp=1 if emp1==month
replace emp=0 if emp==.
gen unemp=1 if unemp2==month	
replace unemp=0 if unemp==.
gen olf=1 if olf3==month
replace olf=0 if olf==.

A this moment I have three generate variables, which show the exit of unemployment at the first questioning in 2007:
- emp (1-emp, 0 -othres )
- unemp (1- unemp, 0 -others)
- olf (1-olf, 0 -others)

Now I would like to do next:

1. identify the structure of each group, for example (in per cent):

1a. how many people who become empl, olf or unempl are females and males
It was easy to do   
tab emp stat,r
tab unemp stat,r

BUT i do not know how to show this:
1.b. i need per cent of respondents who change status in emp, olf and unemp amid females
and males.

It may look like this  

tab emp stat if year==2007,col

BUT i think it is wrong cause in this way it covers the whole respondents in each category during 2007
for example, employed:
           |         Sex
       emp |     female    male |     Total
         0 | 314.57674   341.4202 | 655.99694 
           |     87.13      84.63 |     85.81 
         1 | 46.453121  61.995632 | 108.44875 
           |     12.87      15.37 |     14.19 
     Total | 361.02986  403.41584 |  764.4457 
           |    100.00     100.00 |    100.00 

Do you have any suggestions?

Best regards.
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