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Re: st: use of tempfile

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: use of tempfile
Date   Thu, 19 Apr 2012 11:00:24 +0100

Sorry, I can't engage with this. I asked for concrete examples of what
data should look like before and after and you haven't given them, so
I can't add to what I said before. Word descriptions that make sense
to you can be really difficult for others to understand. For example,
the only variables you are talking about here are state codes, whereas
in your previous post you mentioned other variables. In fact, I (think
I) understand less than before. In your previous post you gave code
for a mapping from sales.dta to sales1.dta. Now you say that there are
36 files.

You may get better help from others on the list, but otherwise I
recommend contacting Stata tech-support. I suspect that they would
need essentially the information I have asked for and failed to


On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 10:42 AM, Prakash Singh <[email protected]> wrote:
> NIck,
> The data set has state code which range from 1 to 20 and each of these
> signifies a separate variable and there are 36 file ( total number of
> states).
> If I simply use keep if command and create 20 data file for each state
> and then merge then have single state level data it will consume lot
> of space in my computer, so I thought of creating these 20 data file
> some kind of tempfile which will not be in system once I merge the
> data.
> I do not think that reshape and separate will do good here as each
> state_code is for some different variable.
> In essence I am trying to use save multiple time but really not
> interested to have that data in my system one final merging is done.
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