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Re: st: how to show "dots" in a loop?

From   [email protected] (Brendan Halpin)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: how to show "dots" in a loop?
Date   Wed, 18 Apr 2012 23:47:51 +0100

On Wed, Apr 18 2012, László Sándor wrote:
> I would now like to report something every iteration, but I would
> avoid seeing thousands of lines filled with this, esp. in my log. Long
> story short: can I somehow print dots as wrapper commands like
> bootstrap do?

I had the same need. In Stata -display "." _continue- should work in
theory. However, my main loop was in Mata, so I included 


where displayflush is supposed to write the output buffer immediately.
However, it seems to work line by line, so it outputs 90 dots at a time.

A compromise is to output every n-th iteration (Mata example):

  if (mod(iteration,10)==0) {
     printf("%5.0f: %7.4f\n", iteration, p)

Analogously in Stata:

. forvalues x = 1/100 {
.   if mod(`x',10) == 0 {
.   di "Iteration " `x'
.   }
. }

Brendan Halpin,   Department of Sociology,   University of Limerick,   Ireland
Tel: w +353-61-213147  f +353-61-202569  h +353-61-338562;  Room F1-009 x 3147
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