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st: Compare two files by record id variable if data sets have different record counts

From   Jeremy Page <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Compare two files by record id variable if data sets have different record counts
Date   Tue, 17 Apr 2012 17:03:41 -0400

Hello Everybody,

I would like to compare record level data from two datasets that have
different record counts using an id variable to link the two files.

The user written command -cf3- (ssc install cf3) will compare two
datasets and list the records that have conflicting information but
the program will break after the command if the number of records in
the two datasets is different. I have included an example below using
auto.dta that shows the code breaking. I would like to be able to
continue programming even if the number of records is different
between the two files.

Is there a command that will allow me to compare records across
datasets using a record id that will not break if the sample sizes are

I am using Stata 11.2 on Windows 7.


*******Begin Example*********
ssc install cf3

webuse auto,clear
gen id = _n
drop if foreign == 1
tempfile noforeign
save `noforeign'

webuse auto,clear
gen id = _n
cf3 _all using `noforeign', id(id) noverbose

display "This line will not print."
******End Example*************

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