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Re: st: Graph formatting Query
Eric Booth <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Graph formatting Query
Sun, 15 Apr 2012 12:55:55 -0500
When I run it, nothing changes expect the aspect ratio (it looks a bit stretched due to the options you specified in the export command). No other 'formatting' is lost that I can see, but perhaps you should explain what you mean by formatting.
Try exporting to other file types (e.g., .eps, .tif) and/or try exporting without your height/width options to see if the same thing happens. I'm using Stata 12 MP on Mac OSX (You should mention what system/version you're using since there have been (and may still be) differences in Stata graphics exporting across different configurations)).
- Eric
Eric A. Booth
Public Policy Research Institute
Texas A&M University
[email protected]
On Apr 15, 2012, at 12:33 PM, Mark Bailie wrote:
> When I try to export my graph I have just created, the export loses the formatting, is there a way to keep teh formatting when exporting?
> Code is as follows:
> ac VAR, lag(12) title("ACF") name(ac, replace) note(" ") msize(medlarge) mlwidth(thin) mlcolor(red) scale(0.8)
> pac VAR, lag(12) title("PACF") name(pac, replace) note(" ") msize(medlarge) mlwidth(thin) mlcolor(red) scale (0.8)
> graph combine ac pac, note("Grey Area 95% Non-rejection region") ///
> title("Figure 11: Correlogram and Partial Correlogram ") scale (0.8) r(2)
> graph export Fig11.png, width(800) height(500)
> Many Thanks once again,
> Mark
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