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st: two fitted values as regressors
Pellegrino Gabriele <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
st: two fitted values as regressors
Sat, 14 Apr 2012 20:45:33 +0200
Hi statalisters,
I want to estimate a recursive model made up of 6 equations. More in particular I want to estimate two 2-type tobit models (4 equations: 2 selection equations and two main equations) by using an heckman two step procedure and then a biptobit model (two equations). In order to try to correct for some endogeneity problems I decided to estimate the last step of the model (biprobit) considering as main regressors the fitted values of the dependent variables of the two previous steps. In doing so I have used the command "yexpected" that allow you to obtain the predicted values for all the observations in your sample after an heckman two step estimation. Unfortunately, when I estimate the last step of the model, the coefficients of the two variables (the fitted values of the previous steps) turn out to be quite unstable. This is probably due to some problem of multicollinearity. I tried to repeat the estimations excluding some outliers from the sample , and I tried also to estimat!
e the model considering different dependent variables, but I could not solve the problem. Does anyone have any useful suggestion to treat this issue?
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