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Jorge Eduardo Pérez Pérez

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 3:49 PM, Tiago V. Pereira
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Stas Kolenikov has pointed out a set of very interesting posts that are
> likely to be useful not only for Stata users but also for Stata
> programmers.
> One of the messages signalizes:
> "What particularly irritates me personally is people who clearly used
> user-written packages for statistical software but don't cite them
> properly, or at all, thereby failing to give any credit to the authors.
> Doing so is particularly important when the authors are in academia and
> their jobs depend on publishing papers that get cited. (Perhaps I should
> add that, in my field, many of the culprits are not statisticians.)"
> For example, I am author of a number of papers, which were only published
> because there are  Roger Newson, Maarten Buis, Roger Harbord, Nick Cox,
> Jonathan Sterne, Michael Bradburn, ..., among several other researchers
> that spent thousands of hours writing programs that are now promptly
> available .
> However, I don't cite Stata packages, even though several of them have a
> full paper published in the Stata Journal. It happens that it is very
> tedious to manually add references to my reference manager program. As I
> am usually running out of the time, I end up citing only the Stata
> software, but no user-written package.
> Since the Stata Journal is indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded
> and the CompuMath Citation Index only, I can't found complete references
> in an appropriate format that enables me to automatically create the
> citation.
> So, my suggestion would be to make available complete references in the
> website, so that one using ENDNOTE, for example, can quickly import a
> reference and cite it in his/her manuscripts.
> This is likely to be of great interest for the Stata Journal as well as
> for programmers augmenting the credibility of the research work that
> depends on user-written Stata packages.
> All the best,
> Tiago
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