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Re: st: Coefficients resulting from Cross-Sectional Regressions
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Coefficients resulting from Cross-Sectional Regressions
Fri, 6 Apr 2012 18:49:27 +0100
What does "different amounts of yearly observations" mean?
Perhaps you seek -rolling-.
I'm not an economist, or at least no longer studying it, so economists
and econometricians on the list may have a better sense of what you
2012/4/6 Fabian Schönenberger <[email protected]>:
> I try to explain the research idea. Based on the expression yid,t = a +
> bid,t*xid,t + e I am looking for bid,t, where id = firm and t = firm years.
> Y = lnebit, x = lnsales; for every firm on different amounts of yearly
> observations. The coefficient b measures the sensitivity of ebit resulting
> from business activity. I will further analyse the coefficients and try to
> find out what financial policies (for instance equity-ratio) this dependence
> creates. In order to do that I (think I) need b for each individual for
> every point in time. Clustered b (on id) are not sufficient to reuse the
> coefficients for regressions based on yearly observations. One way would be
> to merge id with t, in order to get yearly coefficients. Doesn't this make
> sense?
> Fabian
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: [email protected]
> [mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Nick Cox
> Gesendet: Freitag, 6. April 2012 18:39
> An: [email protected]
> Betreff: Re: st: Coefficients resulting from Cross-Sectional Regressions
> That sounds like a series of regressions based on precisely one data point
> each.
> And that makes no sense to me.
> Nick
> 2012/4/6 Fabian Schönenberger <[email protected]>:
>> Then I am on the wrong track anyway. Which is the right formula to do
>> panel regressions with ID and t, for every single ID on each point in
>> time in order to get coefficients individualised by ID and t?
>> Many thanks in advance.
>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: [email protected]
>> [mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Nick Cox
>> Gesendet: Freitag, 6. April 2012 17:20
>> An: [email protected]
>> Betreff: Re: st: Coefficients resulting from Cross-Sectional
>> Regressions
>> statsby _b, by(gvkey) saving(coefsales): regress lnebit lnsales
>> conducts separate regressions for each firm. The coefficient does not
>> differ by year, as different years are pooled in each regression.
>> You can put the results of -statsby- back in the original dataset by
>> using -merge-.
>> Alternatively,
>> egen group = group(gvkey)
>> gen coeff = .
>> su group, meanonly
>> qui forval i = 1/`r(max)' {
>> regress lnebit lnsales if group == `i'
>> replace coeff = _b[lnsales] if group == `i'
>> }
>> Nick
>> 2012/4/6 Fabian Schönenberger <[email protected]>:
>>> I am an absolute beginner in Stata and face now some challenges with
>>> generating regression coefficients as new variable for further
>> computations.
>>> I use tsset id t to conduct cross-sectional regressions. ID is gvkey
>>> which identifies firm (about 4’000 firms in my sample), t is fyear
>>> which identifies the specific year (ranging from 1984 to 2010). What
>>> I am looking for is the function to run cross-sectional regressions
>>> and generating coefficients as new variable to my list of variables.
>>> In other words: I am looking for b, specified for each ID for every t
>>> (yi,t =
>> ai + bi,t*xi,t).
>>> I have tried the following:
>>> statsby _b, by(gvkey) saving(coefsales): regress lnebit lnsales
>>> However, two problems arise. First, the major problem, I only get
>>> coefficients for gvkey, but not specified for every point in time
> (fyear).
>>> Second, the coefsales are safed in a new file, but I would prefer a
>>> new variable in my list of variable.
>>> Any suggestions to solve the two problems are highly appreciated.
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