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Re: st: too many values for -tabulate twoway, summarize-, but not -tabulate twoway-
László Sándor <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: too many values for -tabulate twoway, summarize-, but not -tabulate twoway-
Wed, 4 Apr 2012 13:51:51 -0400
Oh, thanks, Eric!
Shame I missed this in -limits-.
That said, now I only wonder if these limits changed from Stata 11. In
that environment I think we still could use a hack (mentioned in
earlier postings), with more unique values than this.
But I am just rambling here uselessly, I'll check it myself instead.
Thanks again,
On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 12:54 PM, Eric Booth <[email protected]> wrote:
> <>
> When you introduce the summarize() option to include the mean, SD, and Freq in the -tabulate- table cells, you hit a similar issue with Stata limits as if you tried to -tabulate- 2 categorical variables with too many categories (see -help limits- for -tabulate- and -tabulate, summarize- to those limitations).
> 2 solutions you might consider: (1) subset the data you run in a single -tabulate, summarize- or (2) create your table using other commands (like -collapse- and -reshape- below).
> ******************!
> clear
> set obs 10000
> g x = int(runiform()*50)
> g by = int(runiform()*20)
> g w = int(runiform()*100)
> g y = runiform()
> **This works without an error:
> tab x by [aw=w]
> **While this gives me r(134):
> **adds Means, Standard Deviations, Frequencies to table cells
> **tab x by [aw=w] , sum(y) //doesnt work
> **1. subset your data:
> tab x by [aw=w] in 1/100, sum(y) mean //works
> tab x by [aw=w] in 101/200, sum(y) mean //or use [if]
> *2. or collapse & reshape:
> preserve
> collapse (mean) y (sd) ysd=y [aw=w], by(x by)
> reshape wide y ysd, i(x) j(by)
> **outsheet, export, etc.
> restore
> ******************!
> - Eric
> __
> Eric A. Booth
> Public Policy Research Institute
> Texas A&M University
> [email protected]
> +979.845.6754
> On Apr 4, 2012, at 11:25 AM, László Sándor wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am still fiddling around with -tab, sum()- (using Stata MP 12.1 for
>> mac). I encountered some curious behavior that I could not track down.
>> This works without an error:
>> tab x by [aw=w]
>> While this gives me r(134):
>> tab x by [aw=w], sum(y)
>> Why should there be a difference? Are these limits documented somewhere?
>> FWIW, at the end I paste how I generated data for my particular test run.
>> Thanks,
>> Laszlo
>> For reference, here is the help on this error:
>> [P] error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Return code 134
>> too many values;
>> 1) You attempted to encode a string variable that takes on
>> more than 65,536 unique values. 2) You attempted to tabulate
>> a variable or pair of variables that take on too many values.
>> If you specified two variables, try interchanging them.
>> 3) You issued a graph command using the by option. The
>> by-variable takes on too many different values to construct
>> a readable chart.
>> set obs 1000
>> set seed 19821009
>> g y = rnormal()
>> g y2 = rnormal()
>> g by = y2 > 0.5
>> g w = runiform()
>> g x = runiform()
>> *
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