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st: Escaping left quote as argument of parse in split command

From   "Florian Kuhn" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Escaping left quote as argument of parse in split command
Date   Tue, 3 Apr 2012 22:45:11 -0500

Hi all,

in my dataset, I have a string variable “id” in which the left single quote ` is used to separate a first and second part of the id (the creators of the dataset were clearly not using Stata). For example, a typical entry in the column "id" would be 15`32. I am trying to recover both parts of the id as separate variables using the "split" command.

However, escaping the backtick does not seem to work:
split id, parse("\`")
gives the error message:
{ required

Am I missing something obvious here?
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