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st: missing values

From   Chiara Mussida <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: missing values
Date   Mon, 2 Apr 2012 09:38:30 +0200

dear all,
i want to calculate the decomposition(eq 3) in the paper of Kidd and
Shannon, 1996,does the level of occupational aggregation affect the
estimates of the gender wage gap?
I have all the ingredients but i don't get the total gap by my this because for some of the components i have missing
values. For example the prop of men in occupation 1 is missing for
women and indiv in other occupations. Well, if instead of missing i
replace 0 the result is not the expected one. Do i have to gen, for my
example a  variable, or better a scalar that takes the same value even
if it is a men in other occupations?

Chiara Mussida
PhD candidate
Doctoral school of Economic Policy
Catholic University, Piacenza (Italy)
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