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st: wbopendata
"Dr. Chuntao Li" <[email protected]>
statalist <[email protected]>
st: wbopendata
Thu, 29 Mar 2012 17:15:44 +0800
Hi, users,
I am new to the package wbopendata, can someone tell me why i cannot execuate the following code?
sysuse world-d, clear
i was trying to run the following example program, which can be find if you type "help wbopendata"
tempfile tmp
wbopendata, language(en - English) indicator(it.cel.sets.p2) long clear latest
sort countrycode
save `tmp', replace
sysuse world-d, clear
merge countrycode using `tmp'
sum year
local avg = string(`r(mean)',"%16.1f")
spmap it_cel_sets_p2 using "world-c.dta", id(_id) ///
clnumber(20) fcolor(Reds2) ocolor(none ..) ///
title("Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people)", size(*1.2)) ///
legstyle(3) legend(ring(1) position(3)) ///
note("Source: World Development Indicators (latest available year: `avg') in ///
Azevedo, J.P. (2011) wbopendata: Stata module to " "access World Bank databases, ///
Statistical Software Components S457234 Boston College Department of Economics.", size(*.7))
by execuate "sysuse dir", we find the following system data files:
auto.dta cancer.dta educ99gdp.dta network1a.dta sandstone.dta tsline2.dta xtline1.dta
autornd.dta census.dta gnp96.dta nlsw88.dta sp500.dta uslifeexp.dta
bplong.dta citytemp.dta lifeexp.dta nlswide1.dta surface.dta uslifeexp2.dta
bpwide.dta citytemp4.dta network1.dta pop2000.dta tsline1.dta voter.dta
There is no such a file named "world-d.dta", but why?
Dr. Chuntao Li (Tony)
School of Finance
Zhongnan Univ. of Econ. & Law
Wuhan, P.R. China
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0086-186-2788-9206
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