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Re: st: store tabulate command results in excel

From   Eric Booth <>
Subject   Re: st: store tabulate command results in excel
Date   Mon, 12 Mar 2012 16:21:32 -0500


I don't understand your data structure (e.g. what are conditions?) and why -tabout- (from SSC, BTW) does not work.  Providing a snippet of your dataset and the command you tried would help me provide a better answer.

Based just on your sample -tab- command, you can transform that to -tabout- with something like:

cap rm "test.xls"
levelsof question, local(ques_numbers)
foreach n in `ques_numbers' {
   tabout condition answer using "test.xls", append  ///
      c(freq row) h1(Question `n' )
((The looping part is doing the -bysort question- part of your example -tab- command.))

- Eric

Eric A. Booth
Public Policy Research Institute 
Texas A&M University

On Mar 12, 2012, at 4:07 PM, Anisa Shyti wrote:

> I need to store in excel or any other support the results of a two-way
> tabulate command.  My variables are: question, condition and asnwer.
> I have N questions, three conditions for each question, and Y or N
> answers by subjects.
> The tab command (by question, sort: tab condition answer, row) gives
> exactly what I need. For each question (distinguished by id) and each
> condition, I have the number and percentage of Y and N answers and the
> Total - in columns.
> Still, I would like to be able to store these results in excel or any
> other support, instead of copy pasting.  I tried using the tabout
> command (my case is a 2x1 table) - it does not give me the desired
> format.
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