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st: Stata for Linux (Ubuntu 11.10)

From   Ulrich Kohler <>
Subject   st: Stata for Linux (Ubuntu 11.10)
Date   Thu, 08 Mar 2012 22:59:16 +0100

Dear Stata-for-Linux Users,

I just installed Stata 12 on my new computer with Linux Ubuntu 11.10. After installation I was able to run the console version but when I entered
$ ./xstata-mp

I got the an error saying that the library "libgtksourceview1.0-0" was missing. The reason for that error is that Ubuntu 11.10 has a newer version of that library. I tried to just use the newer library instead of the older but that didn't work. I also tried to install libgtksourceview1.0-0, but the library was not part of the standard repositories. After some googling I came up with a solution that I want to share with you. So here is what I did to install that library:
I opened the file /etc/apt/sources.list as root:

$ gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list &

I added the line

deb natty main universe

at the end of sources.list and saved the file. (You may want to use a different mirror of the ubuntu archives if you life outside Europe). In the terminal I updated the package list using
$ sudo apt-get update

This took a while. After the process was finished I was able to install libgtksurceview1 with Synaptic. I haven't checked but
$ sudo apt-get install libgtksurceview1

should also work.

After installation I removed the line "deb natty main universe" from sources.list and typed
$ sudo apt-get update


Kind regards

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