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st: How to calculate standardized difference in means with survey weighted data?

From   Lok Wong <>
Subject   st: How to calculate standardized difference in means with survey weighted data?
Date   Sun, 4 Mar 2012 19:45:43 -0500

I need to calculate the standardized bias (the difference in means divided by the pooled standard deviation) with survey weighted data using STATA. 
I am comparing the means of 2 groups (Y: treatment and control) for a list of X predictor variables. The purpose is to evaluate differences before and after propensity score weighting (not matching so I cannot use PSMATCH2 or other similar packages).

This is as far I got:

svy: mean X, over (Y)
estat sd
lincom [X]1 - lincom [x]0

I calculated the means by treatment/control groups.
Then obtained the standard deviations for each means (as the SE is reported by svy: means)
I used lincom to obtain the difference in means from the svy post-estimation results.

How do I now extract the stored standard deviations for the 2 means, so I can divide the difference in means by the pooled standard deviation?

I need to do this twice for 20 variables, so I don't want to just read the output results and calculate by hand.

Any suggestions?

I did see an earlier posting (from 2005) on Standardized Response Mean, but the suggested code (diff in change score / sd of change score) does not address how to use survey weighted data.


Lok Wong Samson
Doctoral Candidate
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