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Re: st: Re: calculating proportions

From   Ekaterina Hertog <>
To   "" <>
Subject   Re: st: Re: calculating proportions
Date   Fri, 02 Mar 2012 18:53:14 +0000

Dear all,
Thank you very much all the advice, sorry if I appeared to abandon the thread, I had no internet for a week due to family illness. I have been working through the advice that Oliver and Nick offered and I am most grateful to both. I really like Nick's solution as it does not involve loops and hence works very quickly. I have played a bit with the code and this is the final version which produces the correct rankings
sysuse auto, clear
* foreign=22 domestic=52
contract mpg foreign
relrank mpg if foreign [fw=_freq] , ref(mpg if !foreign) gen(F)
la var F "proportion of domestic cars that have lower or equal to a given mileage value of a foreign car"
gen negmpg = -mpg
relrank negmpg if foreign [fw=_freq] , ref(negmpg if !foreign) gen(G)
la var G "proportion of domestic cars that have higher or equal to a given mileage value of a foreign car"
gen H = (G+F) - 1
la var H "proportion of domestic cars that have equal mileage to a given mileage value of a foreign car"
replace G = G - H
replace F = F - H
l mpg F G H

Thank you very much again,
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