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st: intreg with fixed effects and clustered standard errors
Pamela Campa <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: intreg with fixed effects and clustered standard errors
Wed, 29 Feb 2012 17:03:34 +0100
I'm trying to estimate a regression model with an interval-coded
dependent variable. I have plant-level data for several years, and I
regress an interval coded dependent variable on some continuous X's,
industry and county fixed effects, and state by year shocks.
I cluster the standard errors by plant. I use the command intreg2. The
Stata output gives standard errors for all the variables I put in, but
it does not show the Wald chi(2) statistic. I did try to remove plants
that appear only once in the dataset, counties for which there is only
one plant and industries for which there is only one plant, but that
does not fix the problem.
Could anyone please suggest a way to deal with this?I'm not necessarily
interested in the Wald chi(2) , but I'm afraid that the fact that it is
missing signals some misspecification in my model.
Moreover, my pseudo likelihood is as low as -590000. Is that worrisome?
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