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st: extracting select saved results using column names

From   Ben Cooper <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: extracting select saved results using column names
Date   Fri, 24 Feb 2012 16:52:57 +0000


I use the proportion command with mi estimate on a daily basis. After
running the proportion, I know that I can extract the coefficients for
that proportion and save them in a matrix with other coefficients from
other proportions I have run. However, I frequently run proportions on a
binary variable and do so over a multi-category variable. I only want to
grab the "Yes" (or 1) side of a binary 1/0 proportion and accompanying
results from the over variable. And since the types of "over" variables I
might specify in a foreach loop could vary in the number of categories
they have, I can't simply specify the same matrix cells each time.

Is there a way to grab only matrix data from e(b) that matches a specified
string value in the default matrix colname? For example, I know that I
only want the matrix columns from e(b) that contain "_prop_2" since they
are the columns that contain the "1" values from the proportion. I hope
that makes sense, and of course, there may be an easier way to do what I
am trying to do as well!


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