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Re: st: Re: calculating proportions
Ekaterina Hertog <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: Re: calculating proportions
Tue, 21 Feb 2012 17:53:22 +0000
Dear all, an additional question, is there any way to make rank relax
its definition of what is equal, what is above and what is below a given
At the moment using the code that Pathmes and Oliver suggested I have
got for every man the proportion of the total sample of women who earns
as much, who earns more and who earns less than him.
But the definition of equal income is very strict. Say for a man who
earns 500 a woman who makes 499 will be judged to earn less than him and
a woman who earns 501 will be judged to earn more. If possible I believe
for my analysis it would be more useful to assume that anyone who earns
+50 or -50 of own income has the same income. Say for a man who earns
500 women who earn at least 451 and no more than 549 will be judged to
have the same income. the above and below definitions will need to be
adjusted accordingly.
I looked at the options for rank, but they do not seem to provide an
answer. Could anything be possibly done with cond?
thanks a lot for all the help so far,
On 21/02/2012 17:22, Ekaterina Hertog wrote:
Dear Pathmes and Oliver,
thanks a lot, great code and it solves my problems! And I learned more
than 3 things from it
Just a small hitch:
converting numbers to proportions syntax:
gen fap=fa/`N_female'
gives an error message: 'invalid syntax'.
I went around it by creating a variable which is a constant and equals a
total number of women in the population and using it instead of the
local macro. I clumsy way to do it.
On 21/02/2012 16:45, Pathmeswaran wrote:
Thanks Oliver.
With your help I was able to learn 3 things on my first day in statalist!
indentation in foreach/ forvalue loops
*************** example code begins **************************
version 8
clear all
set obs 7
gen byte id = _n
gen byte sex = 1
replace sex = 0 in 4/7
label def lbl_sex 0 "male" 1 "female"
label values sex lbl_sex
gen int income = 7
replace income = 10 in 3
replace income = 0 in 4
replace income = 7 in 5
replace income = 9 in 6
replace income = 11 in 7
* I have just copied Oliver's code
sort sex
gen idm=_n if sex==0
* idm is a unique number for each male
gen fa=.
label variable fa "Number of females with higher income"
gen fb=.
label variable fb "Number of females with lower income"
gen fe=.
label variable fe "Number of females with equal income"
* The variables fa, fb& fe are generated individually for each male
in the following loop
count if sex == 0
local N_male = `r(N)'
count if sex == 1
local N_female = `r(N)'
forvalues i = 1/`N_male' {
egen int feabove = rank(income) if sex==1 | (sex==0& idm==`i'), field
replace fa= feabove - 1 if idm==`i'
drop feabove
egen int febelow = rank(income) if sex==1 | (sex==0& idm==`i'), track
replace fb= febelow - 1 if idm==`i'
drop febelow
replace fe=`N_female' - ( fa+ fb) if idm==`i'
* Converting the numbers to proportions
gen fap=fa/`N_female'
label variable fap "Proportion of females with higher income"
gen fbp=fb/`N_female'
label variable fbp "Proportion of females with lower income"
gen fep=fe/`N_female'
label variable fep "Proportion of females with equal income"
**************** example code ends ***************************
With regards,
Prof A Pathmeswaran
Professor in Public Health
Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya
Ragama, Sri Lanka
+94 11 295 3411
"Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can
be counted counts"
On 21 February 2012 21:09, Oliver Jones<[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Pathemes,
your code looks good to me, but I'm no programmer.
I just have two very minor and highly subjective suggestions:
in the foreach statement use a local to tell Stata the end of the numlist,
count if sex == 0
local N_male = `r(N)'
foreach i of numlist 1/`N_male' {
and by the way in this case it might be more appropriate to use forvalues
insteed, which is the fastest way to loop over consecutive values, such as
looping over numbers from 1 to k. (From the Stata Help to foreach)
Indent after the foreach / forvalues statement, i.e.
forvalues i = 1/`N_male' {
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