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st: xtmixed

From   Erik Carter <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: xtmixed
Date   Mon, 13 Feb 2012 20:01:07 -0800


I am attempting to do a icc using the quickicc command following the use of xtmixed. I'm attempting to check repeatability in a sample of 24 individuals with QT measures (a measure of ventricular depolarization).  Each individual has various readings of QT; some have 31 whilst others have 5.  My question: is it possible to do an analysis using the xtmixed command when obs vary in numbers?   Furthermore, I'm unclear if I am using the commands properly as when I use the command xtmixed qt || study_id: I get a iteration string that goes on endlessly. 

Any assistance would be appreciated.



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