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st: rearrange table

From   Nikolaos Pandis <>
To   "" <>
Subject   st: rearrange table
Date   Fri, 10 Feb 2012 00:46:55 -0800 (PST)

Hi to all.

I am running the following commands:

. format percent %4.2f

. table title,contents(mean percent sd percent )
         title | mean(percent)    sd(percent)
No description |         57.74       3.619958
    Inadequate |         61.11       5.202971
      Adequate |         65.50       5.015084

I would like to ask:
1. How can I place the title levels(no description, inadequate, adequate) as columns and the summary stats as rows.
2. How could I reduce to 2 the decimal points for sd.

3. Is there a way to add 95% CIs?

Many thanks,


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