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Re: st: Matching procedure based on shortest distance given latitudes and longitudes
Robert Picard <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Matching procedure based on shortest distance given latitudes and longitudes
Thu, 9 Feb 2012 12:10:02 -0500
As I mentioned to you a few days ago, you do not need a special
program to find the nearest neighbors. You can simply use -cross- to
form all pairwise combination of 2006 and 2010 observations, compute
all the distances, and then sort. I've added some code that does, I
think, the matching you describe.
*----------- begin example -------------
version 12
set seed 1234
* save 2010 observations separately
set obs 10
gen id2 = _n
gen lat2 = 40 + runiform() * 5
gen lon2 = 19 + runiform() * 5
tempfile y2010
save "`y2010'"
* create 7 obs for 2006
local nobs2006 7
set obs `nobs2006'
gen id1 = _n
gen lat1 = 40 + runiform() * 5
gen lon1 = 19 + runiform() * 5
* form all pairwise combinations and compute distance
cross using "`y2010'"
* user-written program, to install: ssc install geodist
geodist lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2, gen(d)
gen d0 = d
gen matchid = .
gen matchd = .
forvalues i = 1/`nobs2006' {
qui sum d
scalar mind = r(min)
qui sum id1 if d == mind
local bestid1 = r(min)
qui sum id2 if d == mind
local bestid2 = r(min)
qui replace matchid = `bestid2' if id1 == `bestid1'
qui replace matchd = mind if id1 == `bestid1'
qui replace d = . if id1 == `bestid1' | id2 == `bestid2'
dis "id1=" `bestid1' " matched " "id2=" `bestid2' " at d = " mind
sort id1 d0 id2
*------------ end example --------------
2012/2/9 Rüdiger Vollmeier <[email protected]>:
> Hello guys,
> I want to match observations in each observation in a given year with
> one observation in another year based on the shortest geographical
> distance between them given the latitudes and longitudes of each
> observation.
> I.e. the simplified structure of the dataset looks as follows:
> id year longitude latitude
> 1 2006 19.923 40.794
> 2 2006 19.949 40.711
> 1 2010 19.940 40.721
> 2 2010 22.001 50.122
> Hence, I would like to match each observation in 2006 with the one
> observation in 2010 that is closest AND that had not been matched to
> any observation in 2006 before.
> The previously discussed -nearstat- command (thanks to Wilner!) cannot
> be applied directly to this problem as it could match the same
> observation in 2010 with multiple observations in 2006 (i.e. in this
> example, the year 2010 observation with id 1 is closest to both
> observations in 2006 - and hence would be matched).
> Does anybody have an idea for a nice solution or is there even a
> command out there that would match based on distance given the
> latitudes and longitudes?
> *
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