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Re: st: Re: ivreg2 program code

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Re: ivreg2 program code
Date   Mon, 6 Feb 2012 12:52:25 +0000

My answer is the same. You need to install livreg2.mlib. If you cannot
use -ssc- then presumably you should install it in the same way as you
installed ivreg2.ado. As you are working in a corporate environment,
there may well be limits on what you can do and on what you can say in
public, but the rest of us cannot easily give precise advice on vague
information such as "a problem with my server".

Once you have livreg2.mlib installed, you do not run it directly
yourself: -ivreg2- (and -ranktest-) uses it on your behalf.

There appear to be some other small misunderstandings in your use of
Stata. -ivreg2- is an .ado file, not a .do file: you do not run it as
a .do file, but just type the program name. -ivreg2- also defines a
command, not a function.


On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 12:26 PM, Michael Ndlovu
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Nick
> I apologise if my previous e-mail was not clear. I do require assistance with the ivreg2 function. However I am having a problem with my server thus I did not download it through the ssc install command, I am actually using a program define do file which I ascertained from the following address:
> I encountered this issue when I tried to run this code as a do file on my stata 12.0. If I indeed require a more advanced mata code may you please direct me to where I can ascertain the latest coding in a do file format.
> I cannot use the ssc command.
> Michael
>>>> Nick Cox <[email protected]> 2012-02-06 13:59 >>>
> You are trying to use -ivreg2- (SSC) and -ranktest- (SSC). Please
> remember to explain where user-written commands you refer to come
> from. Also the heading -ivreg- is misleading as -ivreg- is a quite
> different command.
> Your problem is one with the associated Mata code. Please check that
> you downloaded the latest version of the Mata library required. --ssc
> desc ivreg2- and -ssc desc ranktest- show that you need to install
> livreg2.mlib. Sometimes closing and restarting Stata fixes small
> problems like this.
> Nick
> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Michael Ndlovu
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> I am having a problem with the both the ivreg2 and the ranktest stata program code. I am currently using stata 12.0 and the problem is that when I run the code on from a do file stata gives me a r(3000) error message and informs me that "struct ms_vcvorthog undefined", under the subheading "LIML" of the code.
>> I would appreciate thoughts on what could be causing this problem and suggestions on how one could go about resolving it?

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