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st: RE: How do the Wald test chi-square statistic and the pseudo r-square relate to each other in clogit?
LUCIA SUMMERS <[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
st: RE: How do the Wald test chi-square statistic and the pseudo r-square relate to each other in clogit?
Thu, 2 Feb 2012 19:17:42 +0000
I am trying to understand some results I got (see below) and any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
I have run a number of conditional logit models (with cluster-adjusted robust SEs) and usually, if you get a greater Wald chi-square value, you also get a greater pseudo r-square.
But the models below are strange in that the first one has a great pseudo r-square value while the second one has a greater Wald chi-square value. The only thing that changes from one model to the next are the third and fourth variables starting from the bottom (i.e., in the second model, a_lneuclkm and m_lneuclkm have been substituted by a_lneuclmins and m_lneuclmins).
Does anyone have any information about how the Wald test statistic is calculated so that I can relate this to how the log-likelihood and the pseudo r-square are calculated (and work out why they might be behaving in this way)?
Thanks very much,
Model 1
. clogit choice commerc100 nostations popdens unemp10 imdincome imdhealth imdeducation imdhousing imdliving age15to29p10 seh100 eh100 mob10 a_lneuclkm m_lneuclkm sameethnic10 barrier, group(accno) vce(cluster crid) or
Iteration 0: log pseudolikelihood = -3001.5126 Iteration 1: log pseudolikelihood = -2981.3624 Iteration 2: log pseudolikelihood = -2981.1934 Iteration 3: log pseudolikelihood = -2981.1934
Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression Number of obs = 2434915 Wald chi2(17) = 2123.56 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000Log pseudolikelihood = -2981.1934 Pseudo R2 = 0.3111
(Std. Err. adjusted for 276 clusters in crid)------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robust choice | Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- commerc100 | 1.085783 .0265569 3.36 0.001 1.03496 1.139101 nostations | 1.031757 .1310436 0.25 0.806 .8043889 1.323392 popdens | .9933222 .0018225 -3.65 0.000 .9897565 .9969008 unemp10 | 2.113067 1.908653 0.83 0.408 .3597953 12.40998 imdincome | 8.174588 14.58476 1.18 0.239 .2476213 269.8633 imdhealth | 1.317499 .3145333 1.15 0.248 .8251607 2.103595imdeducation | .9797458 .0111904 -1.79 0.073 .9580568 1.001926 imdhousing | .9871881 .0132498 -0.96 0.337 .9615576 1.013502 imdliving | 1!
.007555 .0072077 1.05 0.293 .993527 1.021781age15to29p10 | .9085186 .2040912 -0.43 0.669 .5849496 1.411072 seh100 | 1.080342 .0875577 0.95 0.340 .9216681 1.266333 eh100 | 1.002131 .0102836 0.21 0.836 .9821768 1.022491 mob10 | 1.5589 .4010742 1.73 0.084 .9415009 2.581164 a_lneuclkm | .1852571 .0089984 -34.71 0.000 .168434 .2037605 m_lneuclkm | .1642576 .0171001 -17.35 0.000 .1339401 .2014374sameethnic10 | 1.320282 .0669419 5.48 0.000 1.195387 1.458226 barrier | .4008838 .0867893 -4.22 0.000 .2622634 .6127725------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Model 2
. clogit
choice commerc100 nostations popdens unemp10 imdincome imdhealth imdeducation
imdhousing imdliving age15to29p10 seh100 eh100 mob10 a_lneuclmins m_lneuclmins
sameethnic10 barrier, group(accno) vce(cluster crid) or
0: log pseudolikelihood =
1: log pseudolikelihood =
2: log pseudolikelihood =
3: log pseudolikelihood =
(fixed-effects) logistic regression
Number of obs = 2434915
Wald chi2(17) = 3070.44
> chi2 = 0.0000
pseudolikelihood = -3035.4117
Pseudo R2 = 0.2986
(Std. Err.
adjusted for 276 clusters in crid)
| Robust
choice | Odds Ratio Std. Err. z
P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
commerc100 |
1.080073 .0234639 3.55
0.000 1.03505 1.127055
nostations | .973521
.1170455 -0.22 0.823
.7691413 1.232209
popdens |
.9921836 .0018916 -4.12
0.000 .988483 .995898
unemp10 |
2.280424 2.013854 0.93
0.351 .4039385 12.87407
imdincome |
5.966666 10.39074 1.03
0.305 .196514 181.1632
imdhealth |
1.307199 .289918 1.21
0.227 .8463645 2.018952
| .9814027 .0110888
-1.66 0.097 .9599079
imdhousing | .984771
.0126269 -1.20 0.231
.9603312 1.009833
imdliving |
1.005372 .0071359 0.75
0.450 .991483 1.019456
| .9137366 .2075709
-0.40 0.691 .5854045
seh100 |
1.080684 .0880311 0.95
0.341 .9212152 1.267759
eh100 |
1.003857 .0098699 0.39
0.695 .9846979 1.023389
mob10 |
1.478928 .3834865 1.51
0.131 .8896727 2.458464
| .100379 .0054367
-42.44 0.000 .0902694
| .0900161 .0094458
-22.95 0.000 .0732825
| 1.329318 .0638578
5.93 0.000 1.20987
barrier |
.2776155 .0561903 -6.33
0.000 .1867057 .4127905
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