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From | Brandon Olszewski <> |
To | |
Subject | Re: st: How to loop a <clean> script over multiple files? |
Date | Sun, 22 Jan 2012 17:20:27 -0800 |
Thanks, Dmitry & Nick. I will tinker with it tomorrow when I'm back in the office. I've used -erase- for this kind of thing before. My office machine runs Windows 7, but my home machine is Ubuntu/Linux, and I'm used to the command terminal and, thus, the forward slashes. We're updating to Stata12 soon, and I'll look for the -rename- options there. Thanks again - hopefully I can get it to fly. On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 1:48 AM, Nick Cox <> wrote: > If the OS were WIndows, !rm has its equivalent !del, but regardless of > OS you could use the Stata command -erase-. From a tell-tale forward > slash, I guess Brandon is using some flavour of Unix, but he could be > in Windows and be being smart about using forward slashes in Stata. > > -renvars- (mentioned but not explained by Brandon) is from SJ. The > new -rename- in Stata 12 is as least as good and has a nicer syntax. > > -fs- (mentioned and explained by Dimitriy) is fine with files in two > or more directories. You just need to say what they are. > > Nick > > On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 2:21 AM, Dimitriy V. Masterov > <> wrote: > >> Here's some toy code that seems to work as long as the files are all >> in the same directory. You should be able to modify it pretty easily. >> >> I chose a slightly different strategy than you because I find it >> easier to append multiple files than to merge them (though there are >> ssc commands like nmerge and mergeall that you may want to look into). >> You probably want the data in long format anyway. >> >> Let me and the list know if you have any problems. I think regular >> expression/subinstr combo could be improved upon, but I am am too >> lazy. >> >> DVM >> >> ********************************************************* >> #delimit; >> clear all; >> >> cd "$lapdesktop"; // Change this! >> >> /* Create Fake Data */ >> forvalues v=1/24 {; >> sysuse auto, clear; >> outsheet using "data_file_`v'.txt", replace; >> }; >> >> >> /* Import the txt data and do some renaming */ >> ssc install fs; // don't need to do it each time >> fs data_file*.txt; >> >> foreach txtfile in `r(files)' {; >> insheet using "`txtfile'", clear; >> local date "`=regexr("`=subinstr("`txtfile'",".txt","",1)'","[^0-9]+","")'"; >> // keep only the numberic part of filename >> rename make id; >> gen date=`date'; >> save sd_`date'.dta, replace; >> }; >> >> >> /* Combine the Stata Files Into One And Reshape */ >> fs sd*.dta; >> >> clear; >> >> append using `r(files)'; >> >> sort id date; >> >> reshape wide price-foreign, i(id) j(date); >> >> >> /* Erase both the txt and individual Stata file */ >> !rm data_file*.txt; >> !rm sd_*.dta; >> ********************************************************* > > * > * For searches and help try: > * > * > * * * For searches and help try: * * *