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st: sb command + ereturn matrix
michela bia <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
st: sb command + ereturn matrix
Thu, 12 Jan 2012 12:47:50 +0000
Dear all,
I wrote an e-class program applying the radial penalized spline methodology and saving the estimates in a matrix (ereturn matrix command).
I also made the bootstrap of standard errors, but the estimates don't seem to be saved in the matrix when I run the bs command
(please note that they are saved in the local `DRFps' if I write mat li `DRFps'!!).
The error message is: statistic matrix(r(DRFps)) evaluated to missing in full sample
if I save the estimates writing : mat def DRFps = `DRFps'
and it is: DRFps not found
if I write: ereturn matrix DRFps = `DRFps'
May you please help me?
How can I save the results in the correct way using the bootstrap at the end of the code?
program define DRF, eclass
version 11
mat li `DRFps'
c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9
r1 17349.756 13332.923 11062.302 9614.0808 8676.7353 8095.0012 7776.8476 7664.3185 7708.5554
r1 7883.4903
ereturn matrix DRFps = `DRFps'
if("`method'" == "radialpspline"){
bs "DRF `varlist' `if' `in', outcome(`outcome') treatment(`treatment') gpscore(`gpscore') dose(`dose') method(`method') family(`family') link(`link') vce(`vce') common(`common') numoverlap(`numoverlap') tpoints(`tpoints') npoints(`npoints') npercentiles(`npercentiles') `derivative' nknots(`nknots') knots(`knots') `standardized' estopts(`estopts')" DRFps=matrix(r(DRFps)), nowarn `options'
Thanks a lot in advance for your help!
All the best,
BTW - Reference: 'Semiparametric Regression', David Ruppert, M. P. Wand, R. J. Carroll July 2003
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