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Re: st: Difference in values within the same variable

From   Sara Muller <>
Subject   Re: st: Difference in values within the same variable
Date   Wed, 04 Jan 2012 08:28:53 +0000

Thank you for everyone's helpful comments. I can now identify the people I need in my analysis sample.
Very best wishes,

On 03/01/2012 14:28, Nick Cox wrote:
A small extra flourish would be

bysort patid (timesince) : gen selected = timesince[1]<  183
edit if selected

where "183" or any similar value represents six months in days. That
is, if the smallest value of -timesince- is less than six months, then
that patient had two or more prescriptions in a period of six months
or less. Such patients have -selected- 1 and others have -selected- 0.


On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 2:06 PM, Christopher Baum<>  wrote:
Sara said

I have long data with multiple prescriptions per person. I want to
define the length of time between successive prescriptions (see data
below, which is sorted by patid (person ID) and presc_date (date of
prescription)), with the eventual aim of including in my analysis only
people who received 2 or more prescription within 6 months of each other.

I'm not bothered really how I do this, although I have been trying to do
it by calculating another variable that gives the time from the previous
prescription (within patid). I believe the equivalent command in SPSS is
called a 'lag', but searching  for this in Stata doesn't see to have
turned up the right stuff.

clear all
input patid  str9  presc_date
4457    11aug1997
4457    18aug1997
4457    15sep1997
4457    29sep1997
4457    27oct1997
4457    15dec1997
4457    15dec1997
4457    16apr1998
4457    11may1998
g rxd = date(presc_date,"DMY")
format rxd %td
bysort patid (rxd): g timesince = rxd[_n] - rxd[_n - 1]
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