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st: Σχετ: st: Combine stacked and unstacked bars

From   Nikolaos Kanellopoulos <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Σχετ: st: Combine stacked and unstacked bars
Date   Wed, 21 Dec 2011 15:01:18 +0000 (GMT)


thanks a lot.

----- Αρχικό μήνυμα -----
Απο: Nick Cox <[email protected]>
Προς: [email protected]
Στάλθηκε: 4:47 μ.μ. Τετάρτη, 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2011
Θεμα: Re: st: Combine stacked and unstacked bars

webuse union, clear
keep idcode year age
gen which = cond(year == 71 | year == 77, 1, cond(year == 88, 2, .))
graph bar age, over(year) over(which) asyvars stack


2011/12/21 Nikolaos Kanellopoulos <[email protected]>:

> I searched the Statalist archives and the web and could not find an answer to my question.
> I am sorry if this question has been posted before and skipped my attention.
> I have three variables over a period of ten years and I want to create a graph bar with two of them stacked over each other and the third next to them.
> For instance in the following simple example:
> webuse union, clear
> keep idcode year age
> reshape wide age, i( idcode) j( year)
> keep in 1/10
> graph bar  age71 age77 age88, over(idcode)
> I want two bars. The first will be age71 age77 stacked together and the second age88.

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