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st: AW: xtreg or xtmixed?

From   "Trelle Sven" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: AW: xtreg or xtmixed?
Date   Mon, 19 Dec 2011 11:47:11 +0100

Dear Johan,
it looks as if your dependent variable is binary/dichotomous. I would look into xtlogit (RE).

This might be of help:


> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: [mailto:owner-
>] Im Auftrag von Johan van der Watt
> Gesendet: Montag, 19. Dezember 2011 10:44
> An:
> Betreff: st: xtreg or xtmixed?
> Hi
> I need to do longitudinal statistics on a panel data set of 150 individuals over 4
> different time points. My dependent variable is the development of
> neuropathy (everyone is neuropathy free at baseline assessment), and a
> have numerous continuous independent variables/possible risk factors for
> development of neuropathy, such as
> CD4 count. A few of the continuous variables are not normally distributed,
> and I am able to normalize most of them by either logging or square rooting
> them. Further, looking at these variables over time, some of them also do
> not follow a linear pattern, i.e they peak at visit 2 or 3 then go down at visit 4.
> I have used the -xtreg- command with -mle-, using a continuous variable,
> such as CD4 count, Neuropathy, and Visit:
> xtreg cd4_  neuropathy visit, i(patientno2) mle
> but after reading online articles and bulletin boards,  I have also tried the
> mixed effects model:
> xtmixed cd4_  neuropathy visit ||  patientno2:,mle
> As I am a stats amateur, is this what I am doing correct? Any other options?
> Thanks
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